DI.Y. Promotions Music Careers Options Music Careers Options


Description:  Disseminating information on playing and composing music or using musical equipment and related technology, and / or documenting and publishing

  • Music lessons to private students
  • Teaching music at schools from grade-school to college level, or
  • Creating educational materials:  books / videos / software / CD's, or
  • Presentations at workshops,seminars, trade shows
  • Transcribing music for publishing in educational materials.

  • Lots of patience....lots
  • Ability to get along with a wide variety of people
  • Ability to encourage and motivate
  • Professional appearance and manner
  • Strong writing skills
  • Professional speaking skills - able to make effective presentations
  • Able to explain complex concepts clearly
  • Methodical and well-organized
  • Bachelors degree in music or music education; Masters for college-level teaching
  • Knowledge of music theory and / or music history
  • Sight-reading and / or transcribing skills; good ear
  • Proficiency on instrument in a variety of styles
  • Familiarity with teaching systems
  • Producing educational materials: familiarity with the medium you're creating for
  • For transcribing: good ear, sight-reading, device for slowing down recordings.
Related fields:    Product Specialist    Publishing    Multimedia Specialist

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