DI.Y. Promotions Music Careers Options Music Careers Options


OK, so until you become a platinum - selling rock star, you may need a day-job, to make ends meet. But that shouldn't consign you to minimum-wage, degrading, brain-sapping jobs that you need to endure until your ship comes in. ( Unless that's what you enjoy )

You may already possess some skills that enable you to find work in a music-related field. A list of possible positions is included here for you to ponder. Each job requires its own specialized skill-set, but a common thread exists among many of these: a professional manner and appearance, being able to get along with others, ability to deal with pressure and unexpected events ( disasters ).

        Check out the descriptions on the linked page(s), and see what you think. If you believe you have what it takes to work in any of these fields, you'll need to do some homework. Talk to folks currently in that field, to get an overall idea of what the work is like. Also, we can consult with you about work in these fields, or put you in touch with other people that can answer your questions.

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