D.I.Y. Promotions provides you with information on the steps you need to take at important points in your musical career, and with musically-related options for your career path.

      If you play music for a living, you are faced with tasks that seem to have nothing to do with music.  How you deal with them determines whether your career moves forward, or grinds to a halt.  Check out our Career Guide to keep on track.

Waiting to hit the big-time and tired of flipping burgers ?  Maybe there's something more interesting you could do, that you might already have the skills for.... Look at our Career Options to find something more lucrative and rewarding.

We don't sugar-coat this advice. The negatives as well as the positives are described here for you.  So you can get a realistic appraisal of what each step of your stage career requires.  Or what the jobs listed here actually entail, if you're considering a change in career and find one of the job descriptions appealing.

Your musical career

     Are you sometimes overwhelmed by all the NON-musical factors that you need to deal with, in order to have a successful career in music ?  Legal issues, contracts, royalties, marketing, the agents, the promotions...where to begin ?  How to do it right ?  Well, sit back, relax, and click away as DIY Promotions takes you through stages of a career in music, the opportunities and risks.

Our Career Guide comes in two flavors:   Plain    JavaScript Form buttons on JavaScript Career Guide pages, lead to secondary windows, which require  Netscape 4  or  Internet Explorer 4.   If you don't have these, you can download them - they're free !

Tech note: If you have a firewall,pop-up windows may not appear.

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Musical Career Options


Are you fed up with dead-end, low-paying day jobs ?  D.I.Y. Promotions offers you some on-line career counseling in the form of our Musical Career Options page.  It outlines a number of musically-related careers, gives you a job description and lists job requirements in terms of skills needed.  Check it out, to discover what else you could be doing.

Our Career Options also has 2 versions:  Regular   and    JavaScript
The JavaScript version of the Options page, also requires Netscape 4 or IE 4.


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