Career Guide

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Starting Early gigs Touring Recording Air Play "Big-Time"

The Road Ahead...

            At each step of your musical career, you will need to make careful choices so that success builds upon success, creating momentum to carry you through. There are many pitfalls in this business, and you will need to acquire a knowledge of how the industry works, to survive and prosper.

The DIY Promotions team consists of professionals, including musicians with many years of gigging, touring and recording. We've been through it all, and can offer you invaluable assistance based on our accumulated experience. The choices that you make now, can and will affect the success of your career, so be sure that they're wise ones.
" The road out of LA is paved with one-hit wonders " - D.I.Y. owner,,   * Blocked address *
The road ahead - is up to you....


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