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Q:   What’s this all about?

               A:   You promote your own music. D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) Promotions shows you how to do it right. We sell marketing intelligence, mailing labels and contact lists from our databases, and proven radio promotion plans you can follow step by step. Our tip sheets tell you where to send your recordings, who to call, what to do next.

You do the work: Put in the time, stuff the envelopes, make the calls, sell yourself and your music. It's not easy. But if you're as serious about your career as you are about your music, you can take your career to the next level.



Q:   Why do I need D.I.Y.?

               A:   Getting your music on the charts is not a matter of luck. No matter how talented you are, nobody will "discover" you unless somebody promotes your music. But record companies and commercial radio stations won't let you in the door or listen to your demo tape. No amount of persistence will get you noticed... unless you promote your music the way the insiders do.

That’s where D.I.Y. comes in. Our team of professionals includes musicians that have put in years of gigging, touring, recording, as well as managing and promoting. We've been through the same ups and downs that you're experiencing. We know how to promote and market records, and can pass our knowledge along to you.



Q:   What’s the best way to get started?

               A:   College radio stations are an excellent place to start because they’re willing to experiment. When you send them a recording, there’s a good chance they’ll listen to it. If they like what they hear, it’s on the air and reported to the radio trades.

That’s an important first step -- because getting a song played on college radio stations, and reported to the trades, will bring it to the attention of the rest of the entertainment industry. That's how the industry "discovered" R.E.M., Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins.

For as little as $500, D.I.Y. Promotions can give you everything you need to begin promoting your music to college radio stations .

As you start to see results, you can extend your promotion to commercial radio stations, retail stores, and the rest of the music industry.



Q:   Does D.I.Y. work with artists just starting out, or with established professionals ?

               A:   Both ! With all musicians, from beginners to pro's. As mentioned, a number of D.I.Y.'s team were professional musicians for many years. Our cumulative experience in the areas of performing, recording, managing and promoting, is there for you to draw upon.

There are many factors and variables besides your musical ability that will determine whether you succeed or fail. Many of these are things that seem to have NOTHING to do with music-making: promotion, marketing, legal issues...yet if you ignore these, you do so at your own peril. What you can do at each stage of your career to keep you on-track, is outlined in our Online Career Guide.



Q:   I’m starting to get established. What’s next?

               A:   We have a number of services to help you move up:

Mailing labels and contact lists from our databases :

  • College radio - core radio/radio 200
  • AAA radio format
  • Commercial radio - commercial alternative
  • Retail stores: distribution
  • Press & industry lists
  • Record labels: A & R departments
How-To Manual: Step-by-step instructions,tipsheets, forms to take your career to the next level.

Consulting services:



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