The databases at D.I.Y. Promotions form the core of our promotional programs for musicians. In the words of D.I.Y. owner..., president of D.I.Y. Promotions:
"What D.I.Y. does is provide marketing and promotional intelligence to the Music Industry. Our clients are mostly indy record labels, bands and musicians with product
who want to promote their CD to radio,record labels, and other industry concerns. We have a massive database from which we can generate mailing lists, reports and mailing labels." Check out these pages for detailed descriptions of specific lists:
The D.I.Y. databases contain listing of all college and commercial radio stations in North America. Other lists include music industry press and trade publications, musician trade organizations, record companies, clubs and other venues for gigging, pro audio stores, retail music store chains as well as "Mom and Pop" outlets. In short, if it has to do with making connections in the music business, it's on our list ! These databases are one of many tools we can use to help you promote yourself and keep your career on track. |