D.I.Y. Promotions - Radio Station Listings by Type
The D.I.Y. Promotions database includes a comprehensive listing of radio stations by type.
Click links for descriptions.
The stations listed below, report to the CMJ ( College Music Journal ) "Top 200" Song List. Songs, including those from new artists, are listed weekly. The rest of the music industry monitors these reports, as they signal the arrival of new artists to watch.
Radio 200
- List of approximately 900 radio stations that report to the CMJ "Top 200". These are mostly college stations, some high-school stations and small commercial stations.
- List of 100 stations. Subcategory of "Radio 200". Composed of stations that are college and commercial. The Core reporters are those schools with the largest student enrollment and highest-power stations.
Loud Rock
Approximately 458 stations to date.
- List of 50 Adult Album Alternative stations. Format targeted toward alternative cuts for audience aged 24 - 45. Composed of mostly commercial and public as well as a handful of college stations.
College Cuts
- List of 50 ( to date ) college-only stations.
Commercial Alternative Cuts
- List of 30 ( to date ) commercial stations reporting to Radio 200. Compiled from non - college commercial radio.
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