D.I.Y. Promotions - Link Banner and Code

If you wish to have your link in our Links area, please observe the following considerations:

Big Banner:

Musicians - let D.I.Y. Promotions help you with radio promotions and marketing

Source code for larger banner:

<A HREF="http:www//diypromotions.com"> <IMG SRC="bigbanr.jpg" WIDTH=370 HEIGHT=134 BORDER=0 ALT="Musicians - let D.I.Y. Promotions help you with radio promotions and marketing"> </A>

Small Banner:

Musicians - let D.I.Y. Promotions help you with radio promotions and marketing

Source code for smaller banner:

<A HREF="http:www//diypromotions.com"> <IMG SRC="smalbanr.jpg" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=46 BORDER=0 ALT="Musicians - let D.I.Y. Promotions help you with radio promotions and marketing"> </A>

Contact us if you wish to have a reciprocal link with us. Please include URL of your own banner page and source code. For more info call    * Blocked phone number *

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